Welcome to the OMS Member Financial Contribution Page

In October 2024 we changed the financial model of OMS in order to sustain and effectively support the rapid growth of our membership. We are now encouraging members to donate between £10 - £25 per month towards the ongoing activity and work of OMS. This is a suggested voluntary contribution, and if you are unable to give currently to the order, do not feel under any obligation to do so. If you would like to give more that £25 at this point, you are also welcome to.

For reference, we’ve compiled some more detailed information about the OMS financial model and that can be read here: OMS Financial Model FAQ - we hope you find this helpful.

If you have any further Qs, please email us via [email protected]

Ways to give

You can give in any of the following ways:

  1. Online: Monthly contributions can be made using amounts suggested. To give your contribution in one sum, please use ‘Give once’ and either use amounts suggested or ‘enter your own amount’
  2. Bank: To give by bank / standing order please use the following details and use the reference ‘OMSCONTRIB_AMOUNT’ (eg OMSCONTRIB_10 if giving £10 a month)


    • Account name: 24-7 PRAYER
    • Sort code: 20-20-62
    • Account No:73782085
    • IBAN: GB62 BUKB 2020 6273 7820 85
  3. Stewardship: You can also give via Stewardship using this link: www.stewardship.org.uk/partners/41114PrayerInternational


24-7 Prayer is a registered charity (no. 1091413.) 24-7 Prayer is an international, interdenominational prayer movement, with a vision to revive the church and rewire the culture through non-stop night and day prayer. We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator, the independent regulator of charitable fundraising. Our commitment to you is to ensure our fundraising is legal, open, honest and respectful.